Severe weather

This is Indiana. We have spring and summer storms that can be rough and severe weather is a reality to be prepared for. In case of severe weather, we will be in contact with everyone we can using Facebook messenger and/or text, the best we can. We have a weather radio that we we keep in the house to stay on top of alerts and warnings and we monitor the radar during all events.

If the weather seems to be building or a watch or warning has been issued, we suggest you prepare just in case

  • Be as dressed as you want to be if you decide to change locations. That means put on the shoes, socks, or what other clothes you want to wear while moving through the impending weather
  • Pack a bug out bag with dry clothes, doesn’t have to be anything fancy, just have a small bag you can toss a dry change of clothes
  • If your car is near, your car is safer than your tent, but our garage is safer than your car.

If there is a warning or the weather makes you feel unsafe, we ask you to come up to the garage area to take shelter. You do not need to ask if it is ok to do it, it is what we want you to do.

We want everyone to have as much fun and as an amazing an experience here as we can and that includes being prepared when Mom is taking a shower.