Future Shrines

Want to contribute to helping @Faewood Grove manifest our vision? If there are specific deities that are calling to you, bring items for/ help with the creation/ maintenance of their altar. If there is not a calling like that, maybe bring something to contribute to the fairy village we are creating. We are creating a little goblincore/ faecore garden with little houses and cute/ creepy toys as an intermediate space in the woods. If you like to antique/ thrift/ goodwill, there are always weird and cool things for super cheap. Additionally, we are looking for lawn furniture to set out for folks to use in the various shrines and groves. If you hear of folks getting rid, we are not looking for broken items or ones that need fixed, we don’t have the resources to do any fixing, atm.

We currently have shrines begun for:

Gaia, Horned God/ Cernunnos/ Herne, Pan, Eris, Hekate, Dionysus, Loki, The Forgotten

We have plans/ intentions/ spaces picked for the following:

Aphrodite, Selene, Athena, Cerridwen, Epona, Brigid, Apollo/ RA/ SUN, Artemis/ Diana, Greenman, Odin, Freya, Morrigan, Hesphates, the element of water, and more.