Camping hints

Depending on how you are planning on camping there are a few things you might need, depending on the time of year and event you are attending.

Here are some of our best suggestions:

Have a tarp for under your tent and one for over it.
Bring a camp chair you can carry and keep extra at your site if you like company
10×10 canopy makes up a lot for a small tent and you can put it under it.
Always bring 2 xtra sets of clothes
Boots save ankles
Bring extra socks
Skin so soft does a decent job as bug repellant for quite a few folks
Bring a small flashlight for after dark walking around, this saves your phone battery
Wet wipes/diaper wipes — saves a trip to a running water source.
Heavy duty trash bag for your trash.
Chill your cooler with frozen bottles of water (open the bottle and pour off about 4 oz per 16 oz before freezing)
Extra strength aspercream (it’s lidocaine) works wonders on any bug bites as well as amy poison ivy
Drink/bring more water than you think you need. Drink all of it
Always bring extra towels
If you are no longer 18 anymore, an air mattress can save a lot of problems
Ziploc bags are your best friend. Always bring extras, you can store all kind of stuff in them, especially when it comes to hygienic products
If you are drinking booze at the fire, drink the water in the jug you are offered at the fire. It’s neighborly as well as it will help you enjoy a longer night and a much better morning.
Eat lots of garlic previous and during camping. (Garlic powder/concentrate is especially good) It acts as a natural bug repellant.
Always give yourself at least a foot all the way around your tent wall. If you change the designed taughtness, it will allow for condensation (up to small streams) to form on the inside.
Bring sheets and pillows as well as a sleeping bag, daytime napping is important.
Not everyone can afford these, but you may be able to borrow from friends?